The Grand Night is an Egyptian animated feature film produced by Giraffics. The film has been selected for the Annecy MIFA pitches in 2020 round.
“The Grand Night,” English for “El Leila El Kebira,” is the original name of a famous Egyptian operetta that was created in the 60’s.
It portrays the atmosphere of “El-Moulid,” a traditional folkloric festival in which Egyptian families gather to chant songs, watch shows, play games, enjoy street food and more.
With modernized features, relatable struggles and an original plot, the movie revives the popular characters and songs of the operetta, along with other folkloric figures in the Egyptian culture.
Giraffics, the producer of The Grand Night (El Leila El Kebira) announced that the film will participate in the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (France) for the MIFA Pitches.
The film is expected to be released by the end of 2022.
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