Update (7 June): Victor Sorrentino returned to Brazil on Sunday, June 6, after being released by the Egyptian authorities, according to a statement issued by his legal counsel.
According to Sorrentino’s legal counsel, “his priority is to be reunited with his family, and in due course, he will speak publicly about the incident.”
More information on the case about the Brazilian doctor Victor Sorrentino, as well as updates, can be found here
Update 1 June, 2021: The Egyptian Public Prosecution said in a statement that Victor Sorrentino will remain detained for 4 days pending investigation.
Update 30 May, 2021: The Egyptian Ministry of Interior announced that they located and arrested the Brazilian Doctor and Influencer Victor Sorrentino, who Harassed an Egyptian saleswoman while on a trip to Egypt.
A video of a Brazilian influencer and doctor named Victor Sorrentino has been making its way around Brazil and Egypt, where the supposed respectful doctor is seen sexually harassing an Egyptian Muslim woman in Portuguese, which she can’t understand.
Victor Sorrentino took the video during his trip to Egypt in a touristic bazaar where the woman was selling him papyrus, a paper-like material that was used by the ancient Egyptians for writing.
Sorrentino then asked her in Portugees, “They like it hard. Long is also nice, right?”. The saleswoman, unfortunately, didn’t understand the innuendo and proceeded to say “yes” and smile while he and his friends laughed at her.
He then asks her, “Okay! Wonderful. You like the hard one, right?”.
He then posted the video to his social media accounts.
His excuse for the misogynist and racist remarks is that he makes this kind of “jokes” with friends and family. He did acknowledge that he had no right to do it with a stranger but explained that he saw the woman laughing and being playful with them, so he “ended up playing.”
And, of course, he turned his accounts to private when he was attacked.
He later went back to the bazaar to apologize for the woman, however, it was reported that the woman wasn’t even aware of what happened and the apology video was meaningless.
However, let us remind you that this is a saleswoman in a touristic bazaar during one of the worst times for tourism.
Her job is to make travelers feel special and to laugh and be polite to them, not to get harassed by them in a foreign language, and have the video shared on social media for a million of his followers to see.
The worst thing about this incident is that he most probably got invited to Egypt to promote tourism, and this was the content he came up with.
We’re saying that because we know for a fact that no “influencer” does anything for free, including promoting a country.
We’re not sure who he’s invited by, whether it’s the ministry of tourism, or a private entity, or a hotel, but we can almost guarantee you his vacation is at least paid for, if not being paid for it.
Victor Sorrentino is one of those online doctors who promote paid medications and vitamins to his almost 1 million followers without any scientific basis.
His whole blog revolves around dexoting for a healthier lifestyle. Detoxing has been proven to be completely useless, and in some cases, harmful.
To make matters worse, Victor Sorrentino became known in the Covid-19 pandemic for defending the so-called “early treatment” against the disease with the use of drugs that have not been proven effective. In an interview, he said that the “medicines are known” and that they “do not cause risk or harm.”
Sorrentino is still in Egypt, and we hope the government takes action against this person because if not, you just made the best promotion for his million followers to come to Egypt and harass its women.
Let your voices be heard and push the following hashtags on all social media platforms:
As a Brazilian I apologize for his behavior, it doesn’t represent us. He is a Bolsonaro public supporter and that already paints what kind of person he is. I hope he stays in jail for as long as possible to learn to respect other people, culture and specially women.
Yes I hope that too but unfortunately he DOES represent the Avarage men in braizl we have one of the highest rates for rapes and killing of women in the world please keep him for as long as you can in the jail you have the Brazilians support
That’s a lie. Sweden is much worse, thanks to immigrants
Parabéns pela prisão desse canalha???????
Desculpa as mulheres egípcias!!!!
O pior são esses homens que comentam nesse perfil e não sustentam nem a mulher em casa. Aposto que ainda moram com os pais e nem filhos tem. Primeiro cresçam e façam a diferença na vida de alguém.
I did not understand you. Are you sorry for the harasser?
Então vá trabalhar e se sustente sozinha.
Bolsominion né? Se enxerga piveta.
Eu sustento minha mulher, minha mãe e filha… então posso dizer que o cara é um arrombado e merece se lascar. Para de passar pano para esses lixos que só mancham a imagem do brasileiro, que já não anda muito boa.
Don’t listen to Brazilians saying it doesn’t represent us. It is a common behaviour in Brazil. Brazilian women suffer with that all the time.
Please keep this man in a cage ever to show Brazil what whould happen to who does such dirty thing.
Proof of what you are saying = zero
Provas do que dizes = zero
Bolsonaristas fazendo merda pelo mundo afora…
Bolsonaro’s minions doing shit around the world…
Que imbecil. Se alguém fizesse esse tipo de brincadeira com a mãe dele, seria legal? Tem que ser apoiador do Bolsonaro.
Great day!
Usando este nome ridiculo? Vai tomar no cu. Prisao para este medico idiota.
Keep him in jail! In Brazil he belongs to the fascists who support the genocidal military president Bolsonaro. Use the law strictly against this filthy worm!
Isso tudo é um absurdo!!! Ele trabalha tentando espalhar o bem, a saúde e a qualidade de vida… Por causa de um erro, que ele já se desculpou publicamente, tem um monte de gente querendo sua prisão e punições que não são proporcionais ao erro cometido… Imagino que essas pessoas não se deram o trabalho de tentar conhecê-lo e o julgam somente por essa atitude, como se elas próprias nunca tivessem errado, como se fossem melhores que ele, só por causa desse erro, sem levar em consideração todas suas outras ações… Inacreditável!!!!!
Ele foi arrogante, sem educação e sem o mínimo de bom senso. Inacreditável que uma “mulher” esteja defendendo esse cara que além de tudo é médico…?Alem de tudo, sujou a nação brasileira. Infelizmente, existem vários como ele, se achando o máximo e sem respeito, isso acontece dentro do Brasil tb. Espero que sirva de exemplo.
Isso mesmo bolsonarista e gaúcho preconceituoso tb eu sofri assédio moral aqui de
Um médico gaúcho na austrália desculpa mas são uns ridículos deveriam ter se separado do brasil
Faz tempo junto com
Os outros estados do sul assim
Só eles seriam
Governados por bolsoanro e o resto do brasil
Estaria livre
Cadeia é pouco.
Conheci agora o caso do conservador religioso apoiador do governo militar que foi para o Egito, assediou uma mulher e agora está preso, à mercê do julgamento de um governo militar conservador religioso.
Que não tem acordo de extradição com o Brasil.
E que pune presos com chicote.
Só vou acompanhar o caso do médico recebendo o próprio remédio.
Com um balde de pipoca.
Best comment ever!! Me too!!
Na realidade pela lei egípcia a pena pode ser de até 3 anos, então lá é proporcional sim!
Se ele cometeu um “erro”, cujo nome técnico é “crime” ele que pague. Já que no Brasil deve sair impune porque é “dotô” e tem dinheiro para se livrar. Aqui é comum as pessoas abusarem e assediarem dos seus próprios funcionários e dos funcionários dos outros e saírem livres. Veja como um crescimento pessoal
Ja vi outros videos dele tirando de onda de mulheres q nao falam portugues. Inclusive tem um onde ele manda a mulher falar coisas de conotacao sexual e aionda diz q ira transar com ela e depois largar…. Um baita canalha!
Isto mesmo. Só porque ele é de direita está acontecendo isto tudo. Ele errou sim. Se desculpou. Quem nunca errou na vida? Ele realmente ajuda muitas pessoas levando conhecimento gratuito. Eu e minha família nos beneficiamos muito com suas palestras. Hoje conseguimos contratar alguns médicos que pararam no tempo e não gostam de estudar.
As a woman I really sorry for her be harassed in such a cowardly way. As a Brazilian citizen, his behaviour do not represent our people. He is a missoginist pig and I deeply appreciate if you your Government punishes him accordingly to your laws.
Yes juliane he DOES represent the avarage men in Brazil unfortunately the statistics can show there is no excuse
No need to arrest someone for a stupid joke. This is politics.
For sure you are one of the Brazilian President’s supporters to think like that. It’s a shame to Brazil having people like you.
Deixa esse machista, negacionista, inconveniente preso até ele aprender a respeitar as mulheres. Se existir essa pena, podiam condenar ele a umas chibatadas também!
Please Egypt, give this horrible man with your cruelest penalty. In Brazil we say “A good bandit is a dead bandit.” (Bandido com eh um bandido morto), so we bolsonarian elector demand no mercy for him and any other bandit. SELVA
His behavior has nothing to do with President Bolsonaro or “early treatment” for Covid-19! Please stop doing this relationship!!
This is a matter of education, politeness, respect to woman!!!!
May this arrest be an example for other ones that have the same behavior!!!
This is an Egyptian website, and we have nothing to say about Brazilian politics. Our mention of the covid situation is to show what kind of person he is to our Egyptian readers who know nothing about him. It isn’t a “political statement,” it’s a fact.
It’s all related it’s a problem of morals that’s what connect his harassment with his supporting the genocide and the wrong medicaments it’s all related wake up and reflect
Well, this is Bolsonaro’s legacy: a horde of imbeciles shaming Brazil around the globe!
Me envergonho dessa atitude deste cidadão que não representa o povo brasileiro. Peço desculpas e como mulher me solidarizo a está vendedora que está dignamente trabalhando.
It’s not related to bolsonaro , don’t get a chance to make political comments on this episode.
It’s completely related Becaise is a lack in moral
Values that’s what connects people to support bolsonaro
We apologize to the Egyptian people, especially women. As a Brazilian I’m very sorry about that. For us it is a great shame
No comments about the way you Egyptian treats your women and women tourists either . They don’t show respect to them . Please read what Faustão said about that.
Please don’t go to Egypt with your girl that’s because its men probably won’t be respectful to them.
We don’t want you in particular here either.
Jackson, Jackson… I see you’re still hating on Egypt because of that tall and handsome Egyptian your girl left you over while vacationing in Cairo last summer. It’s not his fault she chose to be with a real man. Get over it already, son.
His behaviour is disgraceful. To say this to any woman is abhorrent but to a lady that doesn’t understand what he is saying and one who’s religious beliefs would consider it highly offensive is absolutely outrageous. If he is a real doctor then that just makes it even more sickening. Lock him up
As Brazilian woman I apologize to the Egiptian women and to this lady particularly.
This is the kind of people who supports the Brazilian president.
This is the type of Brazilians who vote for Nazis like Bolsonaro. They are all the same. The worst of mankind. But they love to say that the country is now governed by someone who puts God first.
Total nonsense. The girl is working and has been totally disrespected. Is he feeling superior because he’s a man? Because he’s being seen by a woman? Because he’s a doctor? Ridiculous. Unfortunately, this type of behavior is common in Brazil and worldwide. After all, he is a doctor. Shame on others. I hope it really sets an example for the world. Respect is good always and with everyone anywhere on this planet. It doesn’t matter where you came from and where you’re going.
Absurdo total. A moça está trabalhando e foi totalmente despeitada. Ele está se sentindo superior por ser homem?Por estar sendo atendido por uma mulher?Por ser médico? Ridículo. Infelizmente, esse tipo de comportamento é comum no Brasil e no mundo. Além de tudo, é médico. Vergonha alheia. Espero que realmente sirva de exemplo para o mundo. Respeito é bom sempre e com todos em qualquer lugar desse planeta. Não importa de onde vc veio e para onde vai.
I’m Brazilian and the text says it all. No mercy with this piece of s*it, that thinks his money can buy everything and everyone. I hope he gets what he deserves and the Egyptian law hits him hard. Apologies for the Egyptian women and Egypt’s culture.
I am SO GLAD that this disgraceful person has been taken to jail
You cannot believe how as a Brazilian and also against the fascism
And the genocide that is happening in braizl I am So proud of this country to be taken action do not free him he should soend his whole life in jail
Not only for this episode of harassment but also for the fact that he as a doctor was supporting the medicaments that are not effective against the virus such a happy day for Brazil congratulations Egypt we are with
You and against sexual harassment
I am now familiar with the case of the conservative religious supporter of the military government who went to Egypt, harassed a woman and is now in prison, at the mercy of the judgment of a conservative religious military government.
That there is no extradition agreement with Brazil.
And who punishes prisoners with a whip.
I will only follow up the case of the doctor receiving the medicine itself.
With a bucket of popcorn.
Really a bad behavior and bad example…he does not represent me as Brazilian. Very sad….
Nada a ver com ser ou não ser apoiador do presidente. A atitude do médico foi reprovável, e ñ se trata de passar pano em ninguém. Se agiu errado, e ainda por cima em outro país, q arque com as consequências. Só lembro pros canhotos q adoram lacrar, q o seu molusco de estimação é autor d uma das piores frases contra as mulheres, quando disse em entrevista, q todas as mulheres do PT eram d grelo duro.. Deixem d ser hipócritas e parem d associar uma coisa a outra.
Qto ao médico apoiar ou não o tratamento precoce, nada tem a ver tb com essa atitude pessoal dele. Uma coisa não leva a outra.
Não ouse falar do Lula seu mane.
Este imbecil tem que ser punido pelas leis do Egito, assim vai saber que o respeito ainda existe, mesmo que seja fora do Brasil.
E esta discussão não é sobre política, porfavor… que mania.
I am Brazilian and can say this guy is an idiot. This is not an accident in his life.
There are many videos of him doing this exactly attitude with other women abroad!
He would never do this in Brazil, but with undefended women he does.
DEATH PENALTY on this guy!
ايها الاخوة في مصر! هذا الرجل البرازيلي هو ممثل للشيطان ، وهو يعيش في إهانة القرآن الكريم. يجب لفت انتباه المصريين إلى هذا. إنه متحالف مع الماسوني جاير بولسونارو! عسى أن يكون قلمه قدوة على شرف علاء.
Bem feitooooo! Acho pouco pra esse otari0 do Sorrentino baixar a bola dele…
Esse comentário que ele fez, é muito comum entre os homens brasileiros. E isso precisa acabar urgente! Já fui vítima de comentários como o desse babaca e eh patético! Essa cultura que o brasileiro tem eh repugnante e desrespeitosa.
It is so bad, so ugly!! the polite and high skills medicine education not mean full decent!! the simple people without learning are so gentle than him.
That was not his first “act of bravure” in making women ridiculous.
He did the same some time ago in Australia, refer to the link AND THE VIDEO below:
I hope he gets in Egypt a longtime staying in jail!
This is not a “Brazilian joke”, this is a lack of respect. I am Brazilian and I would not admit a man making this kind of joke over here. Well done Egypt!
O governo do Egito, tem que deixar ele preso, para ele aprender a respeitar as mulheres. Ele quis hostilizar e humilhar essa mulher, que estava trabalhando. MANTENHAM ESSE PERVERTIDO SEXUAL NA PRISÃO.
O governo do Egito, tem que deixar ele preso, para ele aprender a respeitar as mulheres. Ele quis hostilizar e humilhar essa mulher, que estava trabalhando. MANTENHAM ESSE PERVERTIDO SEXUAL NA PRISÃO.
على الحكومة المصرية إبقائه في السجن حتى يتعلم احترام المرأة. أراد مضايقة وإذلال هذه المرأة التي كانت تعمل. احتفظ بهذا المنحرف الجنسي في السجن.
O governo Egipicio, tem que manter esse PERVERTIDO SEXUAL, preso, para dar exemplo, ele pensou que estava no Brasil. NÃO DEIXEM, ESSE PERVERTIDO, SEXUAL SAIR DA PRISÃO ANTES DE SER JULGADO, E A SENTENÇA, TEM QUE SER MULTA, MAIS PENA MÁXIMA EM REGIME FECHADO. E não se enganem, porque ele não se arrependeu de nada que ele fez.
As a woman who was also born in Brazil, I am very ashamed of this kind of Brazilian tourist, who travel to other countries and don’t respect its inhabitants. I hope the Egyptian country makes an example with this case, keeping him in jail until he pays fot his crime. It might help to stop this kind of harassment. My respect to all Egyptian women.
Prison to him IN EGYPT for a very long time.
No words! He is an idiot !!!!
Definely, he belongs in jail!
I have some Egyptian friends of mine , and I am so sorry for that awful and disgusting crime that doctor commited there .I am Brazilian and I really got angry and upset about that harassement , I am supporting the woman who has been offended .I’m talking to other women here and all of us think that , he has be responsabilized for his act. I tell you all , at about a month ago I was following him on @instagram, but I on a live talking about nutrition, when suddenly seen him offending a follower for being a Public School Teacher, he called her many bad words, I immediately blocked him on myap