The renowned actress, Gihan El Shamashergy, is set to make a special appearance as a guest of honor in the inaugural episode of the series Safah El Giza “The Giza Killer.” This eagerly anticipated series is scheduled to premiere on the digital platform “Shahid” on August 25th.
An Unconventional Role
In this first episode, Gihan El Shamashergy takes on the role of a married woman entangled in an unconventional relationship with the serial killer, portrayed by Ahmed Fahmy. Her character becomes ensnared in a series of predicaments, leading to an unexpected climax.
Expressing her excitement, Gihan El Shamashergy spoke highly of her collaboration with the director Hadi Al-Bajouri. She praised his kindness and amiable nature, noting that he approaches his work with exceptional professionalism. This approach ensured that even the most challenging scenes were smoothly executed, even if some required extended shooting times.
Regarding her co-star Ahmed Fahmy, Gihan El Shamashergy emphasized his strong support and cooperation with fellow actors. Working alongside him has proven to be enjoyable, filled with humorous and pleasant moments shared with the entire cast and crew.
The Stellar Cast and Creative Team
“The Giza Killer” boasts a stellar cast featuring Ahmed Fahmy, Bassem Samra, Rakin Saad, Mimi Gamal, Hanan Youssef, and Salah Abdullah. The series is penned by Enji Abu Al-Saud and Emad Matar, while Hadi Al-Bajouri takes the directorial helm.
A Captivating Blend of Thriller and Reality
“The Giza Killer” unfolds within a suspenseful police procedural framework, with certain elements of the series inspired by real-life events. As the plot thickens and twists, viewers can expect a riveting narrative that delves into the complexities of human emotions and relationships.
Unveiling the Unforeseen
As the anticipation builds for the premiere of “The Giza Killer,” the involvement of Gihan El Shamashergy promises an added layer of intrigue to the storyline. Her portrayal of a woman entwined with a mysterious serial killer is bound to captivate audiences and keep them on the edge of their seats.
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