Comedian Khaled Eleish revives the old pranks, and the hidden camera shows through his new TV show, 30 Wesh Maa’a Eleish, which is aired exclusively on the Alkahera Walnas channel. 30 Wesh Maa’a Eleish marks Khaled’s recent experience in comedy TV shows in the Ramadan race, 2022.
In his new show, Khaled Eleish targets the Egyptian street audience, as his plan lies in persuading one of the audience to participate in a prank without realizing that they are the targets in the first place. Finally, in the last moments, Khaled Eleish reveals the trick.
Soul productions produce 30 Wesh Maa’a Eleish. It is aired daily on Alkahera Walnas 1 channel at 7:25 pm, Alkahera Walnas 2 channel at 9:40 pm, and the official channel of Alkahera Walnas on YouTube.
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